2nd Plenary Meeting of Board of Directors of CWUC Convenes in Beijing

The second plenary meeting of the Board of Directors of China Women’s Universities Consortium(CWUC) was held in Beijing on October 12.
Wang Weiguo, standing deputy director of the Office of the National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council, praised the consortium for its historical and fundamental missions, and for taking on board its significant responsibilities.

He encouraged women's universities to take the overall situation into account, strengthen the alliance of their colleges and departments, and develop the CWUC to further foster students and highlight women's studies.
Professor Li Mingshun, Chairperson of CWU Council, addressed the meeting on behalf of the host.
He said that since CWUC was established in November 2014, women's universities have frequented their interactions and exchanges, and cooperated more in seminars on female university students' employment and startups. They have also been involved in training on leadership, women's education, gender studies and other subjects.
Against a backdrop where universities are challenged with urgent missions such as making goals for the 13th Five-Year Plan and deepening comprehensive reform in education, women's universities are also faced with pressing issues. These include how to explore the path of their development and innovation; how redefine their concepts, positions, methods, strategy and modes to adapt to current situations; and, how to complete their historical mission, Li said.
Li stressed that CWUC needs to play a role as a community of interests, a platform for cooperation and the secretariat of China's women's universities, as well as help them develop.

During the summary, CWU President and CWUC President Liu Liqun said that since its founding, CWUC has been exploring, expanding and upgrading, and that it would seize the opportunity of the commemorations of the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women to continue to grow, unite its forces, learn about the advantages of each member organization, and contribute to the women and children's further development.
CWUC's secretariat reviewed and summarized the work done over the past year. The secretariat interpreted the league's logo and the design of its website, and discussed plans for the Third National Employment and Startups Seminar for Female University Students.
The meeting approved the applications of Nanjing Normal University's Ginling College, Shanghai Normal University's Women's College, and Xi'an Peihua University's Women's College to join the league, and appointed three heads of the institutes as directors.
Wang and Li granted the new member organizations and directors with certificates and name plates.
CWUC was jointly established by CWU, Shandong Women's University and Hunan Women's University. It aims to strengthen exchange and interactions between domestic women's universities, jointly study and explore patterns of women's university education, integrate and share outstanding education resources, supplement each other's weaknesses, and promote reform and development of women's university education. It is a non-profit and non-legal-person alliance of universities which member organizations join on a voluntary basis.