News and Events
CWU Holds 10th Conference of Library Working Committee

The 10th Library Working Committee Conference of China Women’s University (CWU) was held on November 3.
Vice-president Liu Meng attended the event and gave a speech. She expressed her appreciation to members of the committee for their great support on the library’s development, and hoped they could make greater contributions to the library in the future.
Library curator Liang Kelong delivered a work report on its collection of paper-based resources, electronic resource purchase conditions, and the growth of archives in the library from 2012-2015. “The development of the library with the times has received a warm welcome from college students in the new era”, said Liang, “and we will pay more attention to the construction of a professional team, services on different subjects, and resource construction for the work in the future”.

Staff of the China Women & Gender Library made a report on the projects’ progress in relation to women’s oral history, CWU's academic salon, and their internal publication,Thinking and Focus. The Department of Information Consultation gave a speech on the“Printed Copies’ Reading Report in CWU Library”, and the“Report on the Satisfaction Survey for Readers in CWU Library”, both of which reflected upon reading conditions and the degree of satisfaction in terms of library facilities and services.
Members of the library working committee expressed their opinions on the reports and in the meantime brought forward their advices for the developments of the departments. They said that they would set a higher goal to construct the library so that teachers and students could make good use of it.