1. 粤港澳大湾区 the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
2. 珠三角the Pearl River Delta
3. 战略性新兴产业strategic emerging industries
4. 开放型经济新体制new system of open economy
5. 高端人才和紧缺人才highly-skilled talents and those in urgent need
6. 强化使命担当forge ahead with a pioneering spirit
7. 聚力备战打仗concentrate on war preparedness
8. 确保如期完成国防和军队建设目标任务fulfill the set targets and tasks of national defense and military development as scheduled
9. “一带一路”倡议the Belt and Road Initiative
10. 外商投资法Foreign Investment Law
11. 外商投资政策的透明度the transparency of foreign investment policies
12. 绝大多数代表对该法投了赞成票An overwhelming majority of the deputies voted in favor of the law.
13. 十三届全国人大二次会议the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress
14. 照顾彼此合理关切accommodate each other's legitimate concerns
15. app布置作业assign homework on mobile apps
16. 互释诚意show sincerity
17. 猫爪杯cat-paw mug
18. 生鲜电商平台e-commerce platform for fresh food items
19. 资本结构优化optimize the capital structure
20. 华人首富 the wealthiest Chinese
21. 电商巨头e-commerce giant
22. 人力资源市场human resources market
23. 空巢老人empty-nest elderly
24. 面谈one-on-one conversation
25. 技术转让technology transfer
26. 非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers
27. 教育强国education power
28. 师德teachers' ethics
29. 基本公共教育服务均等化equal access to basic public education services
30. 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
31. 脱贫攻坚战 the tough battle against poverty
32. “三农”问题issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
33. 产教融合integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities
34. “双一流” "Double First-Class" initiative
35. 国际化水平level of internationalisation
36. 创新要素key factors of innovation
37. 世界级城市群 a world-class city cluster
38. 食品监管部门food watchdogs
39. 控制食品安全风险control food safety hazards
40. 发霉食物moldy food
41. 餐饮服务catering services
42. 不符合标准的原料substandard materials
43. 抗震设防烈度最高的大桥 the most earthquake-resistant bridge
44. 促进沿海地区产业融合promote the integration of coastal industries
45. 抗震和防风级别高highly resistant to earthquakes and extreme wind
46. 海上监测marine monitor
47. 依赖药物resort to medication
48. 恶性循环vicious circle
49. 工作负担重heavy workload
50. 正常生物钟normal biological clock