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a community of shared future in cyberspace
房地产“去库存” real estate destocking
中国人民解放军火箭军 the PLA Rocket Force
中国人民解放军陆军领导机构 the PLA Army general command
中国人民解放军战略支援部队 the PLA Strategic Support Force
环岛高铁 island-looping high-speed train
客流高峰 passenger flow peak
熔断机制 circuit breaker mechanism
审慎监管标准 prudential regulatory standards
注入流动性 inject liquidity
在线理财 online wealth management
第三方支付 third-party payments
资本外流 capital outflow
离岸人民币 offshore RMB
网络创客 online maker
网上医院 online hospital
智慧旅游 smart tourism
互联网虽然是无形的,但运用互联网的人们都是有形的,互联网是人类的共同家园。 While the Internet is invisible, Internet users are visible. The Internet is the common home of mankind.
互联网是传播人类优秀文化、弘扬正能量的重要载体。The Internet is an important carrier to spread mankind's fine cultures and promote positive energy.
生育登记服务制度 birth registration service system
“互联网+”行动计划 the "Internet Plus" action plan
推进“数字中国”建设 advancing the building of "Digital China"
基于互联网的各类创新 Internet-based innovation in all forms
失独家庭 parents/families who have lost their only child
家政服务业 home service industry
网络强国战略 the national cyber development strategy
国家大数据战略 the national big data strategy
军委纪委 commission of discipline inspection
军委政法委 commission of politics and law
军委科技委 commission of science and technology
联合参谋部 joint staff department
政治工作部 political work department
后勤保障部 logistical support department
装备发展部 equipment development department
训练管理部 training department
国防动员部 national defense mobilization department
军委办公厅 the general office
战略规划办公室 strategic planning office
改革和编制办公室 reform and organizational structure office
国际军事合作办公室 international cooperation office
军委审计署 audit office
机关事务管理总局 administration office
价格下限 price floor
价格上限 price ceiling
技术社群 technology communities
民间机构 non-government institutions
安全和发展是一体之两翼、驱动之双轮。 Security and development are like the two wings of a bird or the two wheels of a cart.
互联网让世界变成了“鸡犬之声相闻”的地球村,相隔万里的人们不再“老死不相往来”。The Internet has turned the world into a global village where distance no longer prevents people from interacting with each other. Communication is made easier than ever before.
促进互联网和经济社会融合发展 promote the integration of Internet development with economic and social progress
建立多边、民主、透明的全球互联网治理体系 put in place a multilateral, democratic and transparent global Internet governance system
社交媒体 social media
纪念邮票 commemorative stamp
春运 Spring Festival travel rush
高质量增长 high-quality growth
利用职务便利为多人谋取利益 take advantage of one's posts to seek profit for others
徇私枉法 bend laws for personal ends
公车私用 personal use of government vehicles
中国开放的大门永远不会关上,欢迎各国搭乘中国发展的“顺风车”。The door of China's opening up will never shut and China welcomes all countries to ride on its development.
供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform
现在中国经济的走势是缓中趋稳、稳中向好,但稳中有难,总体是机遇大于挑战。 Despite the moderation in speed, the performance of the Chinese economy is stable and moving in a positive direction. Although difficulties, there are more opportunities than challenges.
服务业已占 GDP的“半壁江山”,消费对经济增长的贡献率达到了 60%。 The services sector already accounts for half of China's GDP, and consumption contributes 60% to growth.
中国将在“优进优出”中实施更加积极的进口政策,今后进口商品的数量还会更多。 China will adopt a more proactive import policy and place greater emphasis on the quality of imports and exports. And China will only buy more from the world to meet its growing domestic demands.
文明交流互鉴 cultural exchanges and mutual learning
和平、创新、引领、治理、交融的行动理念 the guiding principles of peace, innovation, guidance, governance and integration
虚拟货币 virtual currency/money
电子货币 electronic currency/money
官商勾结 collusion among officials and businessmen
改革动力 momentum for reform
内幕交易 insider trading
短线交易 short-swing trading
独董 independent director
叫车软件 car-hailing app
民族复兴 national renewal
民族振兴 national rejuvenation
发展道路 development path
剩男 leftover men
人的创造力是发展的最大本钱。 Creativity of the people is the greatest asset for development.
政府不唱“独角戏”,鼓励社会资本、外商投资一起干。Instead of acting on its own, the government encourages the participation of private capital and foreign investment.
你中有我、我中有你,大家都在同一条船上。 We live in the same globalized world. Like passengers riding in the boat, we all have a stake in each other's future.
世上没有包治百病的万能灵药,也没有普世皆准的发展模式。There is no panacea in the world, nor a universal model for development.
朋友多了路好走。More friends make the journey easier.

分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system
现金红包 cash-filled red envelope
病毒携带者 carrier of the virus
寨卡病毒 the Zika virus
购物券红包 coupon-filled red envelope
电子红包 digital/electronic red envelope
医患纠纷 doctor-patient dispute
集资诈骗 fund-raising fraud
虚构融资租赁项目 fabricated financing and leasing projects
高息回报 high-interest returns
医患纠纷 doctor-patient dispute
集资诈骗 fund-raising fraud
虚构融资租赁项目 fabricated financing and leasing projects
高息回报 high-interest returns
定向调控、相机调控、精准调控 targeted, discretionary and precision macro regulation,
传导、放大效应 spillover or magnifying effect
创客空间 makers' space
浮动汇率机制 floating exchange rate system
买入汇率 buying rate
卖出汇率 selling rate
首套房贷款 loans for first-time homebuyers
民间借贷 private lending
地下钱庄 underground/illegal banks
集福卡 lucky card collection
众创、众包、众扶、众筹 crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding
协同创新 collaborative innovation
引力波 gravitational waves
时空涟漪 ripples in space-time
引领型发展 leading-edge development
创新驱动发展战略 innovation-driven development strategy
优进优出战略 strategy for optimizing imports and exports
网络强国战略 national cyber development strategy
国家大数据战略 national big data strategy
智能制造工程 smart manufacturing initiative
网络作家 cyberspace writers/authors
世界经济正处于动力转换的重要阶段,中国经济发展进入新常态。The world economy is now at a crucial stage
of a shift in the force that drives growth, and the Chinese economy has entered a new normal.
新常态下的中国经济,增长将更趋平稳,动力将更为多元。The Chinese economy in this new normal will grow
more steadily and have more diversified driving forces.
非金融对外直接投资 non-financial outbound direct investment
能源安全储备制度 energy security reserve system
金融宏观审慎管理制度 macroprudential regulation of the financial sector
普惠性创新支持政策体系 inclusive policies for the support of innovation
苹果支付 Apple Pay
近场通信 Near Field Communication
一举多得、三方共赢 produce multiple benefits and win-win results among all three parties
人的创造力是发展的最大本钱。 Creativity of the people is the greatest asset for development.
中国经济不会出现“硬着陆”,这不是空话。 I'm not making an empty promise when I say that the Chinese
economy will not head for a "hard landing".
城乡一体化 urban-rural integration, integration of urban and rural areas
城乡差距 urban-rural divide
城中村 urban village, village in the downtown
号贩子 ticket scalpers
政府不唱“独角戏”,鼓励社会资本、外商投资一起干。Instead of acting on its own, the government encourages the participation of private capital and foreign investment.
国际产能合作就一定能够在世界经济发展史上留下浓墨重彩的篇章。 We could make sure that global cooperation in production capacity will leave its mark in the world's economic development history.
中国地域幅员辽阔且产业类型多样,东方不亮西方亮、这业不兴那业兴。China has a vast territory and diverse industries. That means, the Chinese economy is supported not by a single pillar but multiple pillars.
中国经济未来向好、更好,并不是盲目乐观,而是有基础、有条件、有动力。The bright prospects of the Chinese economy are not based on blind optimism but on necessary basis, conditions and impetus.
当前,国际金融危机深层次影响还在继续,世界经济仍处在深刻调整期。 As the world is yet to shrug off the deep impact of the global financial crisis, its economy is still in a period of profound adjustment.
处在从数量高速扩张向质量和效益提升的调整之中 shifting from fast quantitative expansion to a stage of pursuing higher quality and efficiency
世界经济总需求不足,国际市场大宗商品价格大幅下跌。The world economy has insufficient aggregate demand,and commodity prices plunge in the international market.
中国经济总量不断增大,资源环境制约不断增强,中国经济增速相应缓下来。The growth of China's economy, which is now bigger in size and under heavier resource and environment constraint, naturally moderates.
余额查询 balance inquiry
跨行转账 interbank transfer
电话银行 phone banking

京津冀协同发展 coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
全面建成小康社会决胜阶段 the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
私募股权投资 private equity investment,PE investment
创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念 the development concept of innovation, harmonization, green, openness and sharing
互联网+政务服务 Internet Plus government services
光网城市 cities linked up to fiber-optic networks
纵向横向经济轴带 north-south and east-west intersecting economic belts
化解钢铁、煤炭业的过剩产能 reduce overcapacity in steel and coal mining
第二次下岗潮 a second round of massive layoffs
鼓励创业 encourage business startups
学区房 school district houses
获得感 sense of gain
民生痛点 the pain points for people's livelihood
减少无效和低端供给 reduce ineffective and low-end supply of goods and services
“看不见的手”和“看得见的手”都要用好,努力形成市场作用和政府作用有机统一。it is important to use both the invisible and visible hands to synergize market forces and government functions.
我国要坚持创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念。China's economic growth philosophy will be driven by innovation, coordination, green development, openness and sharing.
Improve and keep stable our macroeconomic policies to ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range
Strengthen supply-side structural reform to drive sustained growth
Tap the potential of domestic demand to increase the space for development
Speed up efforts to develop modern agriculture and ensure sustained increases in rural incomes
Carry out a new round of high-quality opening up and work to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation
Step up environmental governance efforts and work to see breakthroughs in green development
Strengthen social development to promote people’s wellbeing
Improve government functions, strengthen our administrative capacity, and deliver quality government services.
专车服务 chauffeur-driven car-on-demand service/chauffeured car services
人工电话召车 taxi-calling hotline
国际消费者权益日 World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD)
网红经济 Internet celebrity economy
更贴近草根 more linked to grassroots
全要素生产率 total factor productivity
不动产统一登记制度 unified property registration system
延迟退休 defer the retirement age
The common interests between the two countries are constantly expanding, and (the common interests) far outweigh their differences.
The top priority of the financial sector is to support the development of the real economy. The truth is, the dysfunctional real economy presents the largest risk to the financial markets.
Whether it is stock markets or bond and currency markets, they are after all markets, so we will continue to pursue market-oriented reform and establish a sound, legal framework for the operation of those markets.
瞪大眼睛,练就一双加强监管的“火眼金睛” sharpen our vision to exercise the most-effective regulation
We believe that there will not be a hard landing as long as we stick to the reform path.
澜沧江—湄公河合作机制 The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism
亚洲命运共同体 Asian community of shared destiny
非传统安全挑战 non-traditional security threats
共享机遇、共迎挑战 share the opportunities, meet common challenges
新兴 11国 E11 (eleven emerging economies)
数据传输速度 data transmission speed
万物互联 Internet of Everything,IOE
Asia is home to the largest number of emerging economies and has kept up growth momentum.
We have reason to be more confident, but we must foster further growth momentum, and play a more important role in the economic recovery of Asia itself and the world at large.
Dialogue and cooperation is the golden key.
时至今日,距离国际金融危机爆发已近 8年,但其深层次影响尚未消除。
Eight years have passed since the occurrence of the international financial crisis, but its profound impacts have not been eliminated.
The government will resolutely take comprehensive measures if the economic growth slips out of the "reasonable range." The government will prevent the loss of speed and maintain economic growth within a reasonable range.
社保基金 social security funds
基本养老保险 basic endowment insurance
结构性减税 structural tax reduction
假身份证 fake ID
在线教师 online teacher/tutor
微信官方账号 WeChat official account
官网购票 official website ticketing systems
区域协同发展 coordinated development between regions
城乡发展一体化 urban-rural integration
军民融合发展战略 military-civilian integration strategy

核安全 nuclear security
核安全峰会 Nuclear Security Summit
放射源安全 the security of radioactive sources
美丽宜居乡村 a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in
历史文化名村名镇 towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage
农村人居环境整治行动 rural living environment improvement initiative
网络内容建设工程 initiative to enrich online content
哲学社会科学创新工程 initiative to promote innovation in philosophy and the social sciences
中国特色新型智库 new type of Chinese think tanks
经济建设和国防建设融合发展 integrated development of the economy and national defense
综合立体交通走廊 multimodal transport corridor
居住证制度 residence card system
财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制 mechanism linking the transfer payments a local government receives to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency in its jurisdiction
城镇建设用地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制 mechanism linking increases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency there
行邮税 personal postal articles tax
进口环节增值税 import value-added tax
网络零售商 e-tailer
快递包裹 express parcels
创新战略伙伴关系 innovative strategic partnership
中英全面战略伙伴关系 comprehensive strategic partnership between Britain and China
中美新型大国关系 new type of major-power relationship between the US and China
中巴全天候战略合作伙伴关系 all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation between Pakistan and China
伪基站 pseudo base stations
电信诈骗 telemarketing fraud
follow the trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation
A tree can grow tall only when its roots are strong.
职场歧视 workplace discrimination
中超联赛 the Chinese Super League
录取分数线 enrollment cut-off point, enrollment threshold
竞聘 compete for a job/post
司法解释 judicial interpretation
平等互尊、交流互鉴 equality, mutual respect, exchanges and mutual learning
战略磋商 strategic consultations
上海迪士尼主题乐园包含六大园区(six different "lands")——“探险岛”(Adventure Isle)、“奇想花园”(Gardens
of Imagination)、“米奇大街”(Mickey Avenue)、“明日世界”(Tomorrowland)、“宝藏湾”(Treasure Cove)、“梦幻世界”(Fantansyland)
求职面试 job interview
名人效应 celebrity effect
脑残粉 fangirl, fanboy
追星族 groupie
铁杆粉 die-hard fan, hardcore fan
人均碳排放水平 emission levels per capita
土壤污染 soil contamination
反腐 anti-graft/corruption
充电桩 power poles
可替代能源汽车市场 alternative energy vehicle market
新能源车 new energy vehicle,NEV
碳足迹 carbon footprint
外逃贪腐人员 corrupt fugitive
闲置地产 vacant property
减排目标 emissions target
环境治理 environmental governance
土地出让金 land transfer fees
住宅建设用地 land for housing

时尚达人 fashionista
磁悬浮列车 maglev train
市郊往返列车/通勤列车 commuter train
品牌效应 brand effect
精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation
知识产权强国IPR powerhouse
与地方事权和支出责任划分define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments
司法救助 judicial aid
“一站式”诉讼服务 one-stop litigation service
区间调控、定向调控、相机调控 range-based, targeted, and well-timed regulation
稳中求进工作总基调 seeking progress while working to keep performance stable
准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度 the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list system
摩天轮 ferris wheel
政府法律顾问制度 system of government legal advisors
过山车 roller coaster
游乐园 amusement park
旋转木马 merry-go-round
主题公园 theme park
商标许可 trademark license
商标权人 trademark owner
应急物资 emergency supplies
政府储备粮 government grain reserve
定价机制 pricing mechanism
上下同欲者胜。Success comes to those who share in one purpose.
为政之道,民生为本。That government is best which gives prime place to the wellbeing of the people.
L型走势 L-shaped growth
竞价排名 paid listing
中国特色大国外交理念 the philosophy underpinning China’s diplomacy as a major country
工匠精神 spirit of craftsmanship
发展新动能 new driver of growth
去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板 address overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and bolster areas of weakness
娱乐活动直播 live entertainment
在线游戏直播 online games
购物欺诈 shopping scams
网络诈骗 internet fraud
信用卡诈骗 credit card fraud
快车 fast ride
顺风车 ride sharing
专车 tailored taxi service
本土物种 indigenous/native species
非营利组织 nonprofit organization
宏观经济走向 macro-economic trend
经济犯罪侦查警察 police of economic crime investigation
公共信息网络安全监察专业警察Internet police
禁毒警察 anti-drug police
警务督察 police supervisor
巡逻警察 patrol police
外事警察 foreign affairs police
境外非政府组织 overseas non-governmental organizations
治安警察 public security police
户籍警察 household registration police
刑事犯罪侦查警察 criminal police
交通警察 traffic police

相知无远近,万里尚为邻。Good friends feel close even when they are thousands of miles apart.
患难见真情。True friendship stands out in difficult times.
同舟共济、携手合作、共同应对 work together through intensified cooperation.
法外之地 a lawless frontier
药检 doping test
讨债人 debt collector
住房补贴 housing allowance
街头斗殴 street fight
个人对个人借贷 P2P (peer-to-peer) lending
做空者 short-seller
救市政策 measures to shore up the markets
停牌 suspend share trading
国家自主创新示范区 national innovation demonstration zone
创业创新服务业 innovation and business startup service industry
创新驱动、质量为先、绿色发展、结构优化、人才为本 be innovation-driven, emphasize quality over quantity, achieve green development, optimize the structure of Chinese industry, and nurture human talent
云计算 cloud computing
智能制造 intelligent manufacturing
枪击事件 mass shooting
国家新兴产业创业投资引导基金 National Venture Capital Guide Fund for Emerging Industries
投贷联动试点 trial of debt-equity combination financing
人民币汇率市场化形成机制 market-based RMB exchange rate regime
全口径外债宏观审慎管理 unified macroprudential management of external debt
激励机制和容错纠错机制 mechanisms to provide incentives and allow for and rectify errors
“双随机、一公开”监管 oversight through inspections by randomly selected inspectors of randomly selected entities and the public release of inspection results
医疗、医保、医药联动改革 coordinated healthcare, health insurance, and pharmaceutical reforms
机关事业单位养老保险制度改革 reform of the pension system for government and public institution employees
综合经济竞争力 comprehensive economic competitiveness
非处方药 over-the-counter (OTC) medicines
自驾游 self-driving tour
“互联网+政务服务” Internet Plus government services
国家基本公共服务项目清单 national list of basic public services
全面战略伙伴 a comprehensive strategic partner
人杰地灵,山川秀美,人文历史底蕴深厚 be known for picturesque landscape, rich cultural heritage and talented people
等额选举 single-candidate election
差额选举 competitive election
城市快速公交 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
快速高架公交 Transit Elevated Bus (TEB)
数字经济 the digital economy
人工智能、物联网和3D打印 artificial intelligence, IOT and three-dimensional printing
网络空间不是“法外之地”。Cyberspace is by no means a lawless frontier.
当今世界,网络和现实紧密联结。The world today, whether online or offline, is a network of both visual and physical reality.
反家暴 anti-domestic violence
"中国制造"的产品 "made-in-China" products
输出消费 outbound consumption

“大水漫灌”式的强刺激 indiscriminate strong stimulus
增长友好型政策 growth-friendly policies
引领性、颠覆性新技术、新工具、新材料 new technologies, new tools and new materials, which are of pace-setting and transformational significance
解决世界经济深层次矛盾和问题,既要加强需求管理,又要着力推进结构性改革,以消除“病灶”。To address the deep-seated problems in the world economy, we need to both strengthen demand management and advance structural reform to eliminate the root causes that trigger problems.
极简主义 minimalism
学术不端 academic misconduct
全科医生 general practitioner
常设仲裁法院 Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
山寨应用 fake app
争端解决程序 dispute settlement procedures
游戏瘾 game addiction
南海问题 the South China Sea issue
仲裁庭 arbitral tribunal
溯本清源,以正视听 get to the root of the issue and set the record straight.
海洋划界 maritime delimitation
国际社会广泛承认 widely acknowledged in the international community
海洋权益 maritime rights and interests
历史和法理依据 historical or legal basis
年度新闻人物 newsmaker of the year
标题党 sensational headline writer
网络虚假新闻online fake news
定向调控 targeted regulation and control
背离或放弃马克思主义,我们党就会失去灵魂、迷失方向。If we deviated from or abandoned Marxism,our Party would lose its soul and direction.
不忘初心 stay true to the mission taken up by the CPC 95 years ago
No matter how far we will travel and to whatever bright future, we should not forget what we have done and why we set out to do it. 走得再远、走到再光辉的未来,也不能忘记走过的过去,不能忘记为什么出发。
One who wants to stride ahead should not forget the path that was trodden. 一切向前走,都不能忘记走过的路。
Only by marching forward with history will there be a bright future. 只有与历史同步伐、与时代共命运的人,才能赢得光明的未来。
History will march forward and will not wait for the hesitant, bystanders, slackers or the weak. 历史总是要前进的,历史从不等待一切犹豫者、观望者、懈怠者、软弱者。
CPC members and the Chinese people are fully confident of providing a Chinese solution to mankind's exploration of better social systems.
脱欧公投 Brexit referendum
审判流程 trial procedures
法律程序 legal procedures
行政诉讼 administrative proceedings
动画电影animated movie
集成芯片 integrated chip
浮点运算速度 flop operating speed, flops
互联网金融产品 Internet financial products
双创人才 innovative and entrepreneurial talent
积分落户指标体系 merit-based household registration system
毕业论文Graduation Thesis/Dissertation
毕业信物Graduation Keepsakes
毕业宴/派对Graduation Dinner/Party
commencement/graduation speech 毕业演讲
毕业典礼Commencement/Graduation Ceremony
学位服Cap and Gown
强降雨(torrential rain/heavy rainfall)、冰雹(hailstorm)
高温热浪(heat wave)、寒潮(cold wave/cold snap)
实际控球时间 actual playing time, 控球率 possession percentage
实际控球时间 actual playing time, 控球率 possession percentage
乌龙球 own goals
黄牌 yellow card, 红牌 red card
越位 offside
点球 penalty kick
任意球 free kick
角球 corner kick
犯规 fouls committed
进球数 goals scored
射门 shots, 球门范围内射门 shots on goal
相知无远近,万里尚为邻。Good friends feel close even when they are thousands of miles apart.
患难见真情。True friendship stands out in difficult times.

量子卫星 quantum satellite
国务资政 state counselor
房产税 housing property tax
僵尸企业 zombie companies/firms/businesses
化解房地产库存 de-stocking inventories
去产能 deal with overcapacities
资金支持 financial backing
敏锐头脑 a keen mind
经商头脑 a business brain
载人宇宙飞船 manned spaceship
奥运会徽 Olympic Emblem
出租车份子钱 taxi franchise fees
东道主 host country
旗手 flag-bearer
奥运代表团 Olympic delegation
奥林匹克休战 Olympic Truce
主播实名制 real-name system for live streaming hosts
网络视频直播 live video streaming
全面二孩政策 universal/overall two-child policy
下岗潮 layoff wave
亏损企业 enterprise running at a loss/money-losing firm/loss-making company
网络约车 online car-hailing services
专车 tailored taxi service
耕地轮作休耕制度 crop rotation and fallow system
近零碳排放区示范工程 initiative to demonstrate near-zero carbon emissions zones
领导干部自然资源资产离任审计 audit outgoing officials’ natural resource asset management
省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度 system whereby environmental protection agencies below the provincial level come directly under the supervision of their respective provincial-level agencies in terms of environmental inspection and monitoring
工业污染源全面达标排放计划 initiative to ensure that all industrial polluters comply with discharge standards
用能权、用水权、排污权、碳排放权初始分配制度 initial allocation system for energy, water, pollution, and carbon permits
全民节能行动计划 Nation of Energy Savers Initiative
循环发展引领计划 initiative to guide the shift toward circular development
绿色金融 green finance
绿色低碳循环发展产业体系 industrial system geared toward green, low-carbon, and circular development
重点生态功能区 important ecological area (IEA)
国家生态文明试验区 national ecological conservation pilot zone
资源节约型、环境友好型社会resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society
美丽中国建设Beautiful China Initiative
人与自然和谐共生 harmony between humankind and nature

多人在线竞技游戏 multiplayer online battle arena/MOBA game
对话伙伴国 dialogue partner
通过创新、结构性改革、新工业革命、数字经济等新方式,为世界经济开辟新道路,拓展新边界 break a new path and expand new frontier for world economy to innovation, structural reform, new industrial revolution and the development of the digital economy
做到短期政策和中长期政策并重 place equal importance on both short-term and mid-to-long-term policies
摩拜单车 Mobike
公租自行车服务 public bike rental service
消费性电子产品 consumer electronics
联勤保障部队 joint logistics support force
10+3机制 ASEAN+3 mechanism
电子竞技 electronic sports/e-sports
宏观审慎政策 macro-prudential policy
好莱坞星光大道 Hollywood Walk of Fame
机动车排放标准 vehicle emissions standards
跨境电子贸易规则 cross-border electronic trade(e-trade) rules
全球价值链 global value chains (GVCs)
实施连贯一致的税收政策,促进包容性增长 adopt consistent and aligned tax policies to drive inclusive growth
二十国集团是全球经济治理的主要平台。G20 is a major platform for global economic governance.
电动滑板车 electric scooter
绿色金融 green finance
生态环境损害赔偿制度 environmental damage compensation system
事业单位改革 reform of public institutions
公共文化设施 public cultural facilities
聚焦发展 Focus on development
集众智、聚合力 Pool wisdom, form synergy
谋大势、做实事 Act with a broad vision, deliver concrete outcomes
投资诈骗 investment fraud
诊断试验 diagnostic test
全民健身活动 public fitness activities
民间借贷 private lending
抗震能力 earthquake resistance capacity
“港人治港”The people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong.
通关一体化 customs integration
统筹国内国际两个大局 keep in mind both the domestic and international situations
国际产能和装备制造合作 international cooperation on production capacity and equipment manufacturing
共商共建共享原则 the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration
海外利益保护体系 protection of Chinese interests overseas
开放型经济新体制 new systems for developing an open economy
“两岸一家亲”。 People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family.
国内漫游费 domestic roaming charges
量子卫星 quantum satellite
国务资政 state counselor

股权众筹 equity-based crowdfunding
P2P网络借贷 peer-to-peer online lending
神舟十一号飞船 the Shenzhou XI manned spacecraft
我们应该让二十国集团成为行动队,而不是清谈馆。We should make the G20 an action team instead of a talk shop.
国家不论大小、强弱、贫富,都应该平等相待,既把自己发展好,也帮助其他国家发展好。大家都好,世界才能更美好。All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, must treat each other as equals. We need to help each other achieve sound development as we work to ensure our own development. The world will be a better place only when everyone is better off.
就业优先战略 jobs first strategy
男女平等基本国策 basic state policy of gender equality
人人参与、人人尽力、人人享有 Everyone participates, makes a contribution, and shares in the benefits.
货到付款 cash on delivery
购物车 shopping cart
统计造假 fake statistics/fraudulent data/manufactured statistics
脱贫工作责任制 poverty alleviation responsibility system
资产收益扶持制度 support through returns on asset investments
综合和分类相结合的个人所得税制 personal income tax based on a combination of adjusted gross income and specific types of income
深入交换意见 exchange in-depth views
公款旅游 (tourist) junket
电视真人秀明星 reality TV star
职工养老保险个人账户制度 personal pension accounts for workers
渐进式延迟退休年龄政策 policy of gradually raising the retirement age
个人学习账号和学分累计制度 personal learning accounts and credit accumulation system
企业新型学徒制 new apprenticeship
就业失业统计指标体系 statistical indicators for employment and unemployment
普惠性幼儿园 public interest kindergarten
电子签名 electronic signature
农村土地流转 rural land transfer
积分落户制度 points system for/merit-based household registration system
做到短期政策和中长期政策并重,需求侧管理和供给侧改革并重 place equal importance on both short-term and mid-to-long term policies, on both demand-side management and supply-side reform
面对当前挑战,我们应该创新发展方式,挖掘增长动能。In the face of these challenges, we should break a new path for growth and generate new growth momentum.
500米口径球面射电望远镜 Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST)
射电望远镜 radio telescope
光学望远镜 optical telescope
求同存异、聚同化异seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences
知行合一honor commitment and take practical actions
行胜于言Actions speak louder than words.
基因信息数据库 genetic information database

词汇汇总:新浪微博@鬼谷一喵( http://weibo.com/iqlake)
