国家知识产权局National Intellectual Property Administration
专利权人patent holder
数字版权digital copyright
能源绿色低碳转型a green-oriented transition of energy
绿色低碳循环发展经济体系green and low-carbon circular economic development system
气候适应型社会climate-resilient society
人口稠密区densely populated areas
能源革命energy revolution
油气储量oil and gas reserves
鄂尔多斯盆地Ordos Basin
能源供给体系energy supply system
可再生能源renewable energy
博物馆之城核心区Core Museum District (CMD)
国家物流枢纽national logistics hubs
现代商贸流通体系modern commercial distribution system
现代物流modern logistics
冰雪元素ice and snow elements
冰雪季ice and snow season
北京冬奥会Beijing Winter Olympics
国家公务员局National Civil Service Administration
笔试written exam
中央机关central authorities
公安机关public security organs
社会公平正义social justice and fairness
法治政府law-based government
节能减排energy conservation and emission reduction
可持续发展道路sustainable development path
中非命运共同体a China-Africa community with a shared future
人民福祉well-being of the people
高标准和高水平的中非合作high-standard and high-level China-Africa cooperation
试点国家公园pilot national parks
自然保护区nature reserve
世界自然遗产风景区world natural heritage site
交通强国a country with strong transportation network
自动驾驶车辆self-driving vehicle
智慧交通smart transport
真正的多边主义true multilateralism
全球治理体系变革reforms of the global governance system
改善人居环境improve the living environment
公共服务设施public service facilities
创下票房纪录make a box-office record
休闲产业leisure industry
财政政策fiscal policies
金融产品financial products
制造业创新中心manufacturing innovation center
世界第一制造大国the world's largest manufacturing country
消费者价格指数consumer price index (CPI)
文化和旅游消费cultural and tourism consumption
社会主义文化强国a socialist country with strong culture