1. 夜宵
midnight snack
2. 野鸡大学
diploma mill
3. 阴阳合同
dual/double contract
4. 四分之一决赛
5. 决赛
6. 小组赛
group stage
7. 淘汰赛
knockout stage
8. 净胜球
goal difference
9. 晋级
qualify for the second round/advance to the second round
10. 货币调控
monetary regulation
11. 梨型身材
pear-shaped figure
12. 毫米波人体成像技术
millimeter wave imaging
13. 金属探测门
walk-through metal detectors
14. 涉毒犯罪
drug-related crimes
15. 戒所毒
drug rehabilitation center(rehab center)
16. 固体废物污染防治
prevention and control of solid waste pollution
17. 垃圾分类处理
classified disposal of waste
18. 中国外交独特风范
a distinctive style of Chinese diplomacy
19. 战略自信和战略定力
strategic confidence and resolve
20. 河长制湖长制
the systems of river and lake chiefs
21. 真空管
vacuum tube
22. 农业农村现代化
modernization of agriculture and rural areas
23. 代扣代缴
withhold and remit tax
24. 逃税
tax evasion
25. 避税
tax avoidance
26. 累进税制
progressive taxing mechanism
27. 试用期
probation period
28. 课税负担
tax burdens
29. 起征点
tax exemption threshold
30. 养老金投资
pension funds investment
31. 超高速磁悬浮列车
ultrahigh-speed maglev
32. 乡村治理体系
rural governance model
33. 中国农民丰收节
Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival
34. 换位思考
putting ourselves in others’ positions
35. 兼顾彼此核心利益和重大关切
accommodate each other’s core interests and major concerns
36. 联合国人权理事会
the United Nations Human Rights Council
37. 综合征税
comprehensive income taxation
38. 特许权使用费
39. 劳务报酬
remuneration for personal service
40. 交通通达性
transport accessibility
41. 商品、资本、服务和技术的自由流通
free movement of goods, capitals, services and technologies
42. 国际贸易关系的碎片化
fragmentation of international trade relations
43. 银联体
Interbank Consortium
44. 高素质人才
highly skilled personnel
45. 传统医药
conventional medicine and pharmaceutics
46. 假冒医疗产品
counterfeit medical products
47. 文明隔阂
cultural misunderstanding
48. 各国人民共同愿望
a shared aspiration of all peoples
49. 不可阻挡的时代潮流
an unstoppable trend of the times
50. 尊重多样文明
respect for cultural diversity